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The Maple Process
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Maple Weekend Tours 10 am-4 pm Saturday and Sunday
We do not serve Pancakes but we do have a comprehensive tour and syrup samples.
SIMPLY THE BEST : Highlights of the last 18 years in the maple industry
Victors Family Owned and Operated Maple Sugar House.
A Customer receiving warm syrup fresh from the bottler
Buy Fresh, Buy Local
Now Available :
Maple Cream and Candy
Half Pints, Pints, Quarts, Half Gallons and Gallons Amber, Golden, Dark and Extra Dark
Victors Only Producer of fine maple products
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Maple weekend a family event (click)
The Maple Process Slideshow
Hayden, 5 of Victor watches syrup being drawn off the evaporator at Schoff's Sugar Shack
A Great time of year to get outside
Starting in late February hundreds of families come to Schoff's Sugar Shack to get outside and learn about the maple sugaring process.
Free samples of syrup and other maple products are made available
Schoff's Sugar Shack
1064 Willis Hill Road
Victor, NY 14564
(585) 924-3769
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The Maple Process
For the Visually Impaired
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